Live an Authentic Life
Linda Lee
Life Coach
Embrace Your True Self and Discover Your Purpose
Our mission is to bring together a community of like-minded individuals who strive for whole wellness and balance. It is our desire to bring people together through our passion to create an organization that will provide well educated and sound information on whole wellness through awareness of what we are through our four part harmony and what we can do today to stay balanced. Discovering the truth of what it requires to live a joyous and healthy lifestyle is key.
Unlock your true potential and uncover the harmony that lies within you. At 4 Part Harmony, we deeply believe in cultivating the well-being of your mind, body, spirit, and environment. Our hope is to empower you with intentional choices that inspire joy, vitality, and overall wellness. Join our community of like-minded individuals on this incredible journey of self-discovery. Through meticulously researched information and trusted guidance, we provide the essential resources necessary for a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Embrace your authentic self and embrace the life that is meant for you. Begin your transformative journey today with 4 Part Harmony, where all the vital components of a healthy lifestyle seamlessly blend together.
Online Classes Coming Soon
Trusted Guidance
Assess your past circumstances and life choices that have not served your overall health and happiness. Healing and restoring is real, achievable. What needs to change for your highest good, for creating a joyful vibrant healthy life? First clue…cleansing is foundational and essential for vibrant health. What would you like your future to be, look and feel like? Imagine It!
Harmony both in music and lifestyle must flow from through true natures gift. her naturally renewing abundance in order to create a beautiful sound. When the four parts of harmony are working as one the journey is illuminating.
Knowledge and health information is key to our four part harmony growth in wellness. Applying this knowledge is essential. This journey of learning, discoverying, then daily implementing is a must. We can never learn everything in a lifetime, nor know all, yet in a lifetime we have a perpetual means of continual learning.
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(615) 319-7489
3128 Sherwood Lane
Lebanon, TN 37090